I remember like it was yesterday… responding to an ad for a new 40 Days for Life campaign in Greensboro. I first met Leslie then several other wonderful people who all had something in common. They shared a love for Christ and a love for pre-born children. They taught me so much about life and about working and praying together for a change of heart in our community.
I remember my first visit to the GSO Pregnancy Care Center, where I met a young lady, Adri, who’s light for Christ shown so bright that I teared up when we prayed together. I thought to myself… “I’ve found my people!”
Moving forward a few years to 2018 when Compassion Care of Yadkinville and the GSO care center joined forces to bring mobile ultrasound and pregnancy testing to the abortion facility on Randleman Rd. The local pro-life effort had just kicked it in to another gear. I was blessed to be a part of this effort. For the first time, we had the complete team: sidewalk advocates, prayer warriors and medical services! The nurses that joined us on the sidewalk were our new secret weapon, full of love and compassion for the moms that we met. They were also equipped with ultrasound, the ability for moms to actually see the baby that was growing inside of them. Lives were transformed and families were saved the pain and loss from abortion, it was amazing.

TC4Life grew out of a commitment to continue the work that started in August of 2018. Soon there were three ministries (plus LoveLife on Saturdays) devoting resources and volunteers to meet the needs of women as they arrived at the abortion facility.
This month, however, marks the end of an era. Compassion Care has decided to honor it’s previous commitments to other partners and redirect resources to care centers in the area that are in need of medical services. This was their plan all along. They continued to drive an hour each way to Randleman Rd. far longer than anticipated, because they recognized the need. 70 plus clients per week were arriving at this location. The need for their presence was almost overwhelming.
Additionally, the GSO care center, now known as The Pregnancy Network, just announced that they are reallocating their mobile unit and medical staff. They have decided to attempt to reach women out in the community before they arrive at the abortion facility. We certainly wish both organizations well and are praying that their efforts are successful.
TC4Life is here to stay. We will continue to bring a positive presence to the sidewalk and offer help and hope to everyone that we meet. Working with several donors and our new partner, Save the Storks, a national pro-life ministry, we will bring a new mobile medical clinic to Randleman Rd. in the coming months!
Yes, today marks the end of an era, yet new and exciting possibilities are just around the corner.
If you would like to be a part of this vital outreach at this exciting time, please contact us.